Pay For The Hidden Years Of
Experience…Not The Execution

A man once interrupted Picasso at his evening meal. Pulling a napkin from his pocket, the man said, “Could you sketch something for me? I’ll pay you for it. Name your price.”

Picasso took a charcoal pencil from his pocket made a rapid sketch of a goat. It took only a few strokes, yet was unmistakably a Picasso. The man reached out for the napkin, but Picasso did not hand it over. “You owe me $100,000,” he said.

The man was outraged. “$100,000? Why? That took you no more than 30 seconds to draw!”

Picasso crumpled up the napkin and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. “You are wrong,” he said, dismissing the man. “It took me 40 years.”

What Picasso created for the man was the result of years of practice, experimentation, experience and expertise. The fact that he could now produce masterpieces in a few short strokes belies the time spent perfecting those skills.

Experts in every field are quick to forget what makes them able to spot issues, identify the right approach and produce outstanding results, seemingly at will.

The truth is they’ve spent years doing it, getting it wrong, improving and reaching a level of mastery where others now want to hire them to provide that service.

Effort is important but experience and knowing where to direct that effort makes all the difference.

If you want all the experience and skills of a top-notch executive leader, for a fraction of what it costs to hire someone like that full-time...then let’s talk.